
After Horatio Spafford had lost his business to a fire, his son to pneumonia, and his four daughters to a horrific accident at sea, he penned the words to the classic hymn, It is Well with my Soul. But what gave him confidence to press on in the midst of such tragedy? How was he able to find contentment when others might say it looked like God had abandoned or even cursed him?

The answer lies in the book of Romans, the greatest letter ever written. No matter our circumstances, it is well because God has freed us from the shackles of sin, it is well because He has justified us through the power of his blood, and it is well because He has demonstrated his unfathomable love by nailing our sin to the cross and we bear it no more. The beauty and power of the gospel motivates us to live for Jesus in the face of any and every circumstance. In this series we walk through the incalculable survey of God’s truth in the book of Romans one verse at a time.