Church Membership

What is membership?

At Christ Church, we believe that membership matters.

Membership is the local church’s way of formally identifying those who know and believe the gospel. It is a mutual commitment between the elders and the congregation for accountability and spiritual growth. Christ Church is an elder-led, congregational affirmed church.

How does membership work?

Membership is a joint commitment between an individual and the church and the church to the individual

The individual participates in the life and doctrine of the the church, serving it with his/her own gifts, and the church promises to aid, support, train, equip and hold the individual to the truth of the gospel and the care of Jesus. Membership fulfills the Bible’s teaching that believers be “added” to a local church (Acts 2:41).

How do I become a member?

 1. Take the Membership Matters class

Interested in becoming a Member of Christ Church? Or would you like a refresher on our Mission, Beliefs, and Purpose?

We will update you when we have the next class scheduled.

Otherwise, it is offered as a 6-week course on Sunday Mornings four times a year.

2. Contact an elder for an Interview

After learning more about Christ Church at Connecting Point you’ll need to fill out this electronic membership application and connect with an elder for an interview. Generally Mike White and Andy Sayre handle most of these. There is no need to be intimidated by the interview. It’s not a theological exam (plus it often happens over dessert)! The elders are thrilled to get to know you more and learn about how you came to know Jesus. From there, an elder will present you at the next member meeting for congregational approval.

What we believe

The Gospel of Jesus is central to our faith and practice

Click below to learn more about our beliefs.